It happens to all of us at one time or another, we get sidetracked. For some of us it happens with regularity. Don't worry, I'm referring to myself. However, it is time to "get with the program" or whatever other cliche you would prefer to use. We will be getting out a new blog each week and hopefully include a quilting tip for you.
It is getting to be that time of year already. The lists for school supplies can be found in Wal-mart and parents are starting to do the dance of joy knowing that very soon their children will be returning to school. No more will we here those words, "I'm bored" when we know full well that there are rooms full of toys, friends a phone call away, and beautiful weather outside that is just begging to be enjoyed. Ahhh, relief is around the corner. I'm sure we'll be exchanging it for, "I don't want to go to school" or some other such complaint but we can just push them out the door anyway and enjoy a second cup of coffee in quiet bliss. At least that is part of my plan...
Here at Quilting By-You, we are watching summer winding down and waiting to see what the fall will bring us. Don't forget about our new hours!
Daytime: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 9am - 2pm
Evening: Monday and Wednesday 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Of course, if you need a different time, please give us a call. We are always happy to work with you.
Now, for today's tip. Getting on track. I find that I work better when I prioritize or make lists. Sometimes I don't want to follow those lists, but it is a whole lot easier to remember everything when I have it written down. I also make different lists for different areas of my life. Grocery lists, quilting lists, packing lists, organization idea lists. The list goes on and on (sorry, I couldn't help myself there...). I have also found it helpful to keep a quilting journal. Now, this journal does not work in the typical way a journal works. It is not really a chronological notation of my ideas. Instead, I use it to keep track of fabric collections that I am on the hunt for, projects that I have been mulling over in my mind complete with little sketches and notes, what UFOs I have and what step I am on with them or notes about a difficult part of the UFO that I am trying to work through. Sometimes the notes say, go to page X where I have made modifications that I want to consider. I keep track of the quilts I have been working on and when I have completed them and who received them. I write down websites and shop names with information about where I found fabric and patterns. I don't want to call it my Quilting Bible, it's more of a log book with all the bits that are important to me jammed inside. At some point that little book will be full and I will need to start another one.
Maybe you already have your own journal to keep track of your quilting journey. If not, it can be really helpful to you to have a place to jot down all those ideas that keep tumbling around in your head. After all, you don't want to lose that one idea that may be just perfect for the next wedding or baby quilt or line of fabric that you just saw in the store. Writing it down will also help encourage you to grow that idea. Not over night of course. Sometimes I write in my little book like my hand is on fire. I just can get my ideas down fast enough. Sometimes when I find myself looking for inspiration, I will pick up my little book and read through it and find myself really taking time and working through my sketches or ideas or troubleshooting the problems I have encountered. It also helps me turn my brain off when it is time to sleep because I know those ideas are safely written down and I can access them at any time without fearing that I may have forgotten a tiny bit.
I'm not sure that I really expressed myself well concerning my little quilter's journal, but I hope you get the gist. I also hope that you find something that really works well for you.
Happy Quilting!
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